Two-way ssl using cURL
cURL - command line tool for transferring data using multiple proto cols. To es tablish a tw o-way ssl communi cat ion between cURL and a apache tomcat web application, generate a s elf-signed certificate for server and client (machine cURL is running on ). Self-Signed certificate for client: 1. Create a private key for client. openssl genrsa -out clientprivatekey.pem 2048 2. Create an openSSL self-signed certificate for the client using the private key openssl req -new -x509 -key clientprivatekey.pem -out clientcert.pem -days 365. Self-Signed certificate for server: 1. Generate a private key for server openssl genrsa -out serverprivatekey.pem 2048 2.Create an openSSL self-signed certificate for the server using the private key openssl req -new -x509 -key serverprivatekey.pem -out servercert.pem -days 1095 This prompts ...