Two-way ssl using cURL
cURL - command line tool for transferring data using multiple protocols.
To establish a two-way ssl communication between cURL and a apache tomcat web application, generate a self-signed certificate for server and client (machine cURL is running on).
Self-Signed certificate for client:
Self-Signed certificate for server:
1. Generate a private key for server
This prompts you to enter a few pieces of information, use “.” to leave the field blank. When prompted for 'Common Name' specify the hostname of the machine the tomcat runs on.
3. Tomcat currently operates only on JKS format keystores. So generate a keystore in JKS format from above certificate which involves creating a pkcs12 file
It asks for the export password, and it is recommended to provide a password.
4. Now convert serverkeystore.pkcs12 file to JKS format keystore using Java's keytool
With cURL, the responsibility of verification of server's certificate lies with openSSL. As there is no Certificate Authority in our case of self-signed certificates, we add the server's certificate to openSSL's certificate store. This is explained later. For now generate a .crt file out of servercert.pem
Using cURL for two-way ssl communication
Open a terminal and follow the following commands.
To establish a two-way ssl communication between cURL and a apache tomcat web application, generate a self-signed certificate for server and client (machine cURL is running on).
Self-Signed certificate for client:
1. Create a private key for client.
openssl genrsa -out clientprivatekey.pem 2048
2. Create an openSSL self-signed certificate for the client using the private key
openssl req -new -x509 -key clientprivatekey.pem -out clientcert.pem -days 365.
Self-Signed certificate for server:
1. Generate a private key for server
openssl genrsa -out serverprivatekey.pem 2048
2.Create an openSSL self-signed certificate for the server using the private key
openssl req -new -x509 -key serverprivatekey.pem -out servercert.pem -days 1095
This prompts you to enter a few pieces of information, use “.” to leave the field blank. When prompted for 'Common Name' specify the hostname of the machine the tomcat runs on.
3. Tomcat currently operates only on JKS format keystores. So generate a keystore in JKS format from above certificate which involves creating a pkcs12 file
openssl pkcs12 -export -out serverkeystore.pkcs12 -in servercert.pem -inkey serverprivatekey.pem
It asks for the export password, and it is recommended to provide a password.
4. Now convert serverkeystore.pkcs12 file to JKS format keystore using Java's keytool
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore serverkeystore.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS
Keytool asks you for a new password(keystore password) for the JKS keystore twice, and it will also ask you for the password you set for the PKCS12 keystore created earlier.
With cURL, the responsibility of verification of server's certificate lies with openSSL. As there is no Certificate Authority in our case of self-signed certificates, we add the server's certificate to openSSL's certificate store. This is explained later. For now generate a .crt file out of servercert.pem
openssl x509 -inform pem -in servercert.pem -out servercert.crt
Now this servercert.crt needs to be added to openSSL's store.
Using cURL for two-way ssl communication
Open a terminal and follow the following commands.
>curl -E /path/to/client/certificate --key /path/to/client/private/key https://server/url/path
>curl -E /home/../../clientcert.prm --key /home/../../clientprivatekey.pem https://commonName:8443/example/register
commonNmae in above server url is the one given while generating the server's certificate in step 2.
Adding server's certificate to openSSL store
1. Identify openSSL installation directory using the command
> openssl version -d
say it is installed in /usr/lib/ssl
2. Change to that directory
> cd /usr/lib/ssl
3. This folder contains a 'certs' folder, move to that directory
> cd certs
4. List the directory contains using 'ls -la'. From the symlinks, it can be observed that the certificates are actually stored in /usr/share/ca-certificates. Move to that directory
> cd /usr/share/ca-certificates
5. Copy the server's .crt certificate to this folder.
6. Change to “/etc” directory and edit the file “ca-certificates.conf”. Add server.crt to that file and save it.
7. Now update the ca-certificate while being in /etc
# update-ca-certificates --fresh
Clearing symlinks
Updating certificates
Running hooks
Now, the server's certificate is added to openSSL certificates. Now go ahead and use cURL for two-way ssl communication.
Hi, thank you for your article. Just one thing. When you state the creation of each certificate, can you please state on which computer each certificate must be created.
ReplyDeleteThey can be created on any computer and placed in respective locations(of server and client). In my POC, both server and client were on same computer and I generated them on same machine.